ror | x | x | Rotate Right by register value |
rol | x | x | Rotate Left by register value |
rori | x | x | Rotate Right by immediate value |
rorw | | x | Rotate Word Right by register value |
rolw | | x | Rotate Word Left by register value |
roriw | | x | Rotate Word Right by immediate value |
andn | x | x | Bitwise And & Negate |
orn | x | x | Bitwise Or & Negate |
xnor | x | x | Exclusive-Not-Or |
pack | x | x | Pack register from two register low-halves |
packh | x | x | Pack register halfword from two register low-bytes |
packw | | x | Pack register word from two register low-halfwords |
brev8 | x | x | Reverse bits within bytes |
rev8 | x | x | Reverse bytes within register |
zip | x | | Zip upper and lower register halves into odd and even bits |
unzip | x | Unzip odd and even bits into upper and lower register halves | |
clmul | x | x | |
clmulh | x | x | |
xperm8 | x | x | |
xperm4 | x | x | |